Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Little Boy or Psychotic? Such a fine line!!

***Disclaimer...please don't read if you are partial to spiders, ants, or other such insects. I'm just commenting on boy behavior and not wanting to create a discussion along the lines of PETA versus Fur-Lovers of America. Nor am I belittling those with mental health issues in any way, I am simply commenting on little boy behavior.

We were at the cabin this past weekend and cleaning up around outside since we were bringing home a trailer and had lots of room to bring home things that we weren't using anymore since we're past construction phase. I was finishing up the morning dishes when the cabin door suddenly banged open and in charged Jonah (age 12.) He ran across the cabin and grabbed Randy's small propane torch while shouting wildly at the top of his lungs, "There's a huge spider on the canopy poles! Dad said I could get the torch!" Out of the cabin he flew, slamming the door behind him. Standing there with my arms in soap bubbles up to my elbows I was struck by two extremely different thoughts. ONE...Visions of a brand new forest fire starting up with our cabin as the origin point (What was Randy thinking!) TWO...Don't psychotics start out by killing and torturing small creatures??? (WHAT WAS RANDY THINKING!!!) Ok, so the thoughts had a some similarities...SNORT!

Now, lest anyone think my son is a fledgling psychotic, I've done much research and determined that this seems to be normal boy behavior. I've read of such things as burning ants with magnifying glasses, pulling legs off grasshoppers, etc. etc. etc. Even one of our favorite Christian comedians, Tim Hawkins, has written a song parody on this very thing. Here's a link to a YouTube video with this song...
Little boy behavior versus psychotic behavior...such a very fine line sometimes! LOL!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sputters and Spurts!!!

WOW!!! I can't hardly believe that it's been 5 full months since I've blogged, I am definitely going in sputters and spurts...LOL! I will catch up with some photos from this spring and summer, hopefully next week sometime, that is if I can figure out how to put pictures on our new computer...Vista is really different than XP and I'm still feeling my way around.

We started our 10th year of home schooling this past week, a major milestone for all of us. Levi is 14 and beginning 9th grade this year and we've been diligently trying to make sure we have all or t's crossed and our i's dotted to make sure we fulfill the state requirements for graduation. I can't hardly believe that he's a freshman this year. Of course, I'm not sure why I'm surprised as he's already several inches taller than I am and has become quite the grown up young man...except for those moments when he's an angst filled, stubborn, opinionated, moody teenage boy! Jonah is 12 (13 in 1.5 months) and is beginning 7th grade. He's also quite proud of the fact that he stands eyeball to eyeball with me in height. My babies are growing up!! I suppose that's enough chatter to keep their parental embarrassment level high.

We're headed for our cabin in just a short bit for the last fun weekend of summer weather...that is if we have summer weather. This has been one of the colder summers we've had and has been very strange indeed. We'll have scorching hot temps for a couple days and then they'll plummet and we'll be digging out the sweatshirts and sweatpants trying to stay warm. We've all been wondering where that global warming is that everyone is talking about, but that's a whole different post for a whole different time.

Have a great labor day weekend everyone!