Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st...ALREADY!!! WOW!!!!

Well, it's hard to believe that it's already December 1st and that 2009 is quickly, no not just quickly, but rapidly with stampeding feet, coming to a close. I haven't completed many things that I hoped to accomplish this year, but I've come to the realization that's all right. I've been busy with my guys and the projects I long to complete will wait. For now, I'm concentrating on my family. God has been so very good to us this year, we remain very busy with Randy's business, the boys' schooling continues along (with many bumps and obstacles along the way), and we're currently deeply entrenched in the basketball routine for them both. All in all, our life is very blessed.

Now, this is being typed at the very beginning of the day and I'm still in my joyfully optimistic phase. It was only a couple of days ago that I sent the following email to my home school support group...
"Subject: Won't somebody please come organize me....pretty please?????

I know this won't post until tomorrow and that's OK, I just had to whine, snivel, have my own little (big) pity-party, and just plain vent. We have been so fanatically busy the past couple months, I am horribly behind in grading my boys work, I came home to a message from our local superintendent asking if we were still home schooling this year (since I've forgotten to turn in our registration...the only thing required by our state, one would think I could remember to do that), I'm pretty sure my youngest isn't completing all the work that he's been told to do, and I'm pathetically afraid that I'm horribly short-changing my 9th grade oldest son in his school work because in part, he can't (or won't) write anything longer than a paragraph without major help from me....and sometimes asking for a paragraph is pushing it. I haven't even mentioned being behind on getting our bills paid (Praise the Lord we have the $$, I just haven't made the time to sit and pay them), getting the insurance billing done for our windshield replacement business, depositing checks, and please tell me why, oh why does my youngest child have to change clothes 4 times in one day?????? This is the same child that even after being told numerous times to put things away when he's done with them still continues to leave everything, and yes I do mean everything, I promise I'm not exaggerating, he leaves EVERYTHING laying where it lands when he's done with it. This child also has type 1 diabetes, he's had it since he was 3, he doesn't remember living any other way, ever.....and now all of a sudden he doesn't remember to check his blood sugar when he gets up, before he eats....UGH! And just forget about trying to remember to dose BEFORE he eats his meal, we're lucky if he actually remembers his insulin within an hour of eating. Yes, I try and help when I'm home, but with running the oldest son to basketball practice in the evenings there's been more times that I'm not around now when he eats supper. I've been noticing a lot more shiny chrome on the summit lately, but I'm starting to think that if things don't settle out soon I'm gonna lose it all before it has a chance to go gray....because I keep jerking my fingers through it in exasperation....or I may just start snatching myself bald-headed. EEEEEKKKKK! I'm just having an "I'm so overwhelmed, I feel like I'm drowning" moment and I'm hoping I'll release it all and it will go away after I type it out........it hasn't....LOL!

Please forgive my total lack of appropriate grammar, punctuation, and over-abundant use of .............. and ???????????????....LOL!

Melissa S. the loony lady in Montana that just wants the world to stop so we can put our Christmas tree up, then sit and enjoy all the pretty lights!!!"

So there, lest anyone think we're living the perfect life...we're not. But, we are living the life that God has blessed us with and for the most part I'm so very thankful for it. As I reflect over all that's happened this past year all I can truly say is GOD IS SO VERY GOOD!!! Life is not always roses, rainbows, and a bowl full of cherries...but GOD is with me through it all. Now...off to work with the oldest on his writing (our main focus for the 3 weeks of school this December for him) and also to make sure that the youngest did actually dose himself after he ate breakfast this morning. There's also the bills to pay, money to deposit, invoices to order, laundry to change over, kitchen to clean, living room to dust and vacuum, dishes to unload/load, dog to let in....you know....LIFE!