Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oops! LOL!

Yup, I forgot my camera yesterday when I went on my errand run! Sorry. I'll have to wait for pictures of the "biggie" mountains because it's all socked in with clouds again today as we're expecting more snow today and tonight. SIGH! I am so ready for spring. I hear some of you already have tulips and daffodils up....double sigh! Our's are still resting quietly below the surface just waiting on the spring warmth to arrive to awaken them.

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Normal Looks Like

I thought since I included some snow pictures from yesterday that I should include some sun pictures from today to let you all see what it normally looks like around here. Well, maybe normal isn't the best of terms to use. It's still only 20 degrees out, but at least the sun is shining and there's only a few clouds in the sky. Although the forecast says that more snow is moving in for tonight! UGH! Wait, the wind isn't howling outside....so I guess these aren't normal pictures after all! LOL! The wind is a constant here where we live, so when it's not blowing it's definitely an abnormal day! So these would qualify as abnormal normal pictures. HMMMM...I think I just confused myself!

These first pictures are from our front door...
Icicles in our doorway & mountains in the background...

These pictures are from our back door and show the beautiful blue sky which Montana is famous for along with some mountains in the background.

Just a note, these aren't the really big mountains around us, these are just the "littles!" If I have time later today when I'm out and I remember to take my camera, I'll get a couple pictures of the "biggies" just down the valley from us. I love the mountains when they're capped with snow. So beautiful!

Sunday, March 29, 2009



I know, I know, there's still a couple of days left in March....but it's definitely not look promising!! Woke up to cloud covered mountains and snow this morning and this afternoon the wind has kicked up....OH JOY!! We have a winter storm warning until tomorrow sometime, unless they extend it like they have the past 2 days. UGH! Ok, I'm not a HOT weather person. I don't like temps much over 85 and I truly dislike hot & humid weather that makes me sweat even more profusely than I normally do. I prefer to wear layers rather than bikinis (LOL! That's quite a mental picture!) and I love snow covered mountains and softly falling snow. BUT...I am ready for spring. I'm ready for the smell of green grass freshly cut (by the boys of course!) I'm ready for daffodils, tulips, and warm and gentle spring rains. Ok, now I know I'm dreaming!! Spring rains here in Montana are typically anything but warm and gentle...cold and harsh maybe, but not warm and gentle. Oh well, I'll include these pictures I took this morning while I go snuggle in my chair with a warm cup of tea and dream of daffodils and tulips!

By the way, that dark spot just above the trees is a Canadian Goose. I'm sure the goose is wondering how it's instinct to return North got messed up and had it return much too early! LOL!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

OK, I admit it! I love watching sports!

I especially enjoy watching basketball (college and NBA) and football (NFL) whenever possible. I'm the sports nut of the family, not my hubby, that is unless it's something to do with hunting, off roading, or boating...then it's him. With March Madness going on right now for college and the NBA regular season ending, I'm in happy mode with all the basketball being broadcasted on tv right now. Hubby's not quite so happy, but he holds his eye rolling to a minimum...most of the time. I have two favorite NBA teams, the Cleveland Cavaliers (which we've watched since before they drafted LeBron James) and the Phoenix Suns (which we've watched since they traded for Shaq...yes, I'm a Shaq fan having watched him since he played in college and was drafted into Orlando...) No, I can't quote their stats nor do I agree with everything they say and do with their lives...but WOW, can they play basketball!! My most desired NBA finals would be between the Cavs and the Suns...but I don't think that's going to happen this year. I know there are many things going on in this world now that are more critically important than sports, but for me it's a release from all the stresses and pressures of life. So all I can say is.......GO CAVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lassoed in Texas Series by Mary Connealy

I love to read! I could shout that from the rooftops and really enjoy myself, but I'll keep it down to a subdued roar in my head. My favorite genre is Christian mystery/suspense, but I also love Christian historical fiction, Christian romance, Christian fantasy, etc. Ok, so I love all types of writing and read almost all types of Christian fiction, but my favorite books are mystery/suspense novels. I do tend to stick with Christian authors because I enjoy books more when I'm not trying to stuff my ears with cotton or covering up my eyes...LOL! I do branch out and read some mainstream authors, but always enjoy my return to Christian authors and the wholesomeness of their novels. I do also read more serious books for spiritual growth, becoming a better parent, being a better wife, etc. but I love reading fiction. Today, I'm not actually going to chat about a mystery book (don't worry, I'll cover some of those soon) I'm going to chat about a Christian historical series I just finished reading. One thing I do enjoy in any book I read is a little bit of humor mixed in amongst the plot, or a lot of humor as is the case with this series titled Lassoed in Texas by Mary Connealy.

I truly hope that there are more books coming in this series because I had the most enjoyable time chuckling, sniffing, chortling, giggling, and just plain belly-laughing my way through all three books. Each book focuses on a different lady (or group of ladies) yet they all overlap so you continually learn more about the previous book's characters as well, another thing I really like. So, be sure to read them in order so they make the most sense. Each of the ladies is unique in her own special way, often dealing with bitter pasts and obstacles in the present, but each also struggles with many of the same issues I do in trying to walk uprightly with God during times and circumstances that make it difficult to remain upright. These books are set on the Texas frontier and I shudder at how hard life was back during the settler days. I am way too attached to my coffee maker, gas oven, washing machine, and microwave...not to mention my indoor shower and toilet!! If you enjoy reading about the settler's frontier life and strong women & men that seek to walk with God with a little (or a lot) of humor mixed in, then run and check out these books by Mary Connealy. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Monday, March 23, 2009

What We've Been Doing This Winter

I promised pictures to explain what we've been up to this past winter, so here they are. We were blessed to have the boys play basketball with a small country school in the area. We homeschool so they aren't able to play for our local public junior high, but the little country school was thrilled to have the 2 boys join them for the season. We enjoyed watching the boys play, but we were awfully glad to be done sitting on bleachers at the end of the season!

Here's our Big Boy Levi, he dominated at the center position against most teams...until he broke his foot in a game! He was side-lined for 4 weeks until the doctor cleared him for play. Levi was not very happy about this development at all, but it taught him great patience and he learned a lot about the game of basketball sitting on the bench watching and discussing it with the coaches. Overall, he would have much rather been playing the game though! LOL!
Jonah enjoys playing basketball and really plays with all his heart. He is the team encourager, always building up the other kids on the team, except when he's frustrated, then he gets a little chippy. This was his first year playing for the school and he adjusted well moving over from the city recreational league which he's too old for now. He'll continue to improve over the next couple seasons as his coordination catches up with his growth.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I can't believe that it's been over a year and a half since I last posted. I guess I got sidetracked a bit! LOL! We've been busy with growing boys that are busy in several categories. The pictures included below I'm sure will clue you into what we've been doing the past year. Lots of fun stuff along with the ordinary...Birthdays, Braces, Football, Basketball, and Baseball!!

Levi's Winning Awana Car

Levi's 13th Birthday...on my!!

Jonah's 12th Birthday...my baby!
Jonah's New Bike

Jonah's Fall Flag Football