Monday, March 30, 2009

What Normal Looks Like

I thought since I included some snow pictures from yesterday that I should include some sun pictures from today to let you all see what it normally looks like around here. Well, maybe normal isn't the best of terms to use. It's still only 20 degrees out, but at least the sun is shining and there's only a few clouds in the sky. Although the forecast says that more snow is moving in for tonight! UGH! Wait, the wind isn't howling I guess these aren't normal pictures after all! LOL! The wind is a constant here where we live, so when it's not blowing it's definitely an abnormal day! So these would qualify as abnormal normal pictures. HMMMM...I think I just confused myself!

These first pictures are from our front door...
Icicles in our doorway & mountains in the background...

These pictures are from our back door and show the beautiful blue sky which Montana is famous for along with some mountains in the background.

Just a note, these aren't the really big mountains around us, these are just the "littles!" If I have time later today when I'm out and I remember to take my camera, I'll get a couple pictures of the "biggies" just down the valley from us. I love the mountains when they're capped with snow. So beautiful!

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