Friday, July 6, 2007


Well, we continue with baseball....the 11 & Under Livingston All Stars. Their first tournament was this past weekend and though it didn't start out very well (they lost their first 3 games, 2 of them by one point only) they rallied and played very well on Sunday, won both games, and took the top place in their bracket. Great outcome especially considering this team had only been together about a week.

Levi with one of his coaches & a close up of him and his big grin.

Now, it was very hot there on Saturday and you would have thought that 3 games in one day would be enough to satisfy these boys....NOPE! During their down time between games after lunch they started their own impromptu game, though they did seek shade to play it in!

Levi in his new catcher's helmet...

& his turn to bat!

In case you can't see it, he's not wearing his cleats, just his socks...hmmmm....hoping to cool his feet maybe?? LOL!

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